Google Maps – Map Areas / Polygons (SugarCRM)
Map Areas using polygon shapes are an exciting new feature which is part of the JJWDesign Google Maps Package for SugarCRM. Maps Areas can add new possibilities into your company’s workflow.
Map Areas using polygon shapes are an exciting new feature which is part of the JJWDesign Google Maps Package for SugarCRM. Maps Areas can add new possibilities into your company’s workflow.
This is a demonstration of Google Maps mapping of over 5100+ records/leads from within SugarCRM CE 6.5.14. The Leads required two days to properly geocode using the Google Geocoding API.
Recently added to the JJWDesign Google Maps package is the base functionality to map a Prospect List (or Target List). This includes a combination of Prospects (Targets), Leads, Contacts and even Users.
This video explains the geocoding process for the JJWDesign Google Maps Package used within SugarCRM. The geocoding process is one of the most processes. This video describes how to setup a Scheduled Task for…
This is a video describing the JJWDesign Google Maps Package for SugarCRM configuration options available: Module options, Address Options, Module Groupings, Google Geocoding API Settings, Marker Clustering Settings, Map Display Settings and much more…